Types of Caregivers

The caregiver practice model is called Partnership Parenting. Partnership Parenting is a trauma-informed, shared parenting model between caregivers and birth parents that is designed to keep parents parenting while their children are in out-of-home placement. The premise of partnership parenting is to keep birth parents connected and involved with parenting their children. This model has proven to have achieve permanency for children faster, reduce the incidents and effects of trauma due to placement, preserve existing parent/child bonds, and help parents improve their ability to care for and protect their own children.

Caregiver Types

In an effort to be inclusive, “caregiver” is used to collectively refer to all Caregiver types, including those who serve through Child Placing Agencies (CPA’s).

Becoming a caregiver takes both dedication and compassion. You and your family should collectively decide which caregiving role is most suitable for your situation.

Current caregiver types supported by the Partnership Parenting model:

  • Adoptive Parents

  • Adoptive-Legal Risk Parents

  • Interstate Compact-Related

  • Kinship Adoptive Parents

  • Kinship Partnership Parents

  • Kinship Resource Parents

  • Partnership Parents

  • Resource Parents