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Would you like to chat with an agency representative? We are available to help with any questions you have regarding becoming a foster, adoptive, relative caregiver. We are also here to support our existing caregivers with questions or concerns.

Our representatives are available to chat Monday – Friday from 9AM to 5PM.

Self-Care During Covid-19 - Webinar

October 16, 2020

During a Pandemic and overwhelming racial injustice, caregivers, foster parents, counselors, healthcare workers, and other helping individuals may find themselves experiencing self-deprivation and secondary traumatic stress. Being exposed to traumatic stories from foster youth, media, viewing traumatic videos, witnessing those with Covid-19, being a part of a  minority culture that is targeted for racial injustice and feeling the stress of a hurting society can take a serious emotional toll. Participants will understand secondary traumatic stress related to COVID-19. Participants will understand Self-Care. Participants will identify Self-Care strategies. Participants will understand the value of a Self-Care plan.

Self-Care During Covid-19 - Webinar

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